Some of my buddies occupy the lonely hours digging holes in the garden, practising escape manoeuvres, barking all day just for company, licking and chewing themselves or chasing their tails.
I reckon the best boredom buster is a long walk with a vigorous game of sticks and balls. I also like to jump in the car when mummy goes on errands. And I quite like to sit on my verge and watch the passing parade of people and dogs.
When dog-friendly people come to visit I get excited, like the day the author Coralie Creevey came to talk about her new books ‘Tess’ and ‘What’s Wrong With Tess’, a book about a playful puppy and the mischief she gets up to.
This stimulated mummy and me to think about dog happiness and we decided to create a fun day at Mawson Lakes, just for dogs.
Mummy mentioned this to some dog-loving friends and before you know it we had a planning committee and a program for Dogs Day Out – see flyer opposite.
Everybody is invited to Dogs Day Out. Wear your best collar and a short lead and bring your family. You’re going to love this party.

When you’ve spent your energy, stop by the doggie massage tent for a relaxing rub.
Say hi to Dr Brendan and be assured there will be no vet jabs on this fun day.
Let your owners know it’s on and you wanna be there !*//**!!