July 2013: Dog Years

Whenever a new person meets me, the first question they ask is how old am I. They then do this funny multiplication by 7 and come up with some other figure.

Researchers who study the age of dogs say this is not a very good way to determine a dog’s age and longevity. It’s more complex than that.

Dogs mature faster than humans, reaching the equivalent of twenty-one years in only two years, but then the ageing process slows to an average of four human years every year after. So, next time someone asks your age in human years, give them this formula.

Subtract two from your age, multiply that by four and add twenty-one.

However, this is not the full equation. Breed plays a large part in your life span. Large dogs can take 2 years to reach their full size but after that they may live for only another four or five years.

Luckily for me, small dogs generally live longer, up to 16 years. Medium sized dogs live on average 10 to 14 years and very large dogs typically live 7 to 8 years. 

Large breed dogs stay puppy-like for 24 months or more, compared to medium and small dogs who have 12 to 15 month of puppiness. A bulldog has the lowest average lifespan of just 6 years compared with a miniature poodle’s 12 to 15 years.

Vets tend to measure a dog’s age by the teeth and their condition. A puppy generally has 28 teeth and a mature dog has 42 teeth. By age three about 80% of dogs will exhibit gum disease. This can be seen in the buildup of yellow tartar, inflamed gums and bad breath, more prevalent in small dogs.

Well here’s my age. I’m six years old (37 in human years according to the formula) and feeling very fit. I went to the vet for my annual checkup last week and Dr Brendan said I’m in good shape - just the right weight, well muscled with healthy gums. I came out of the clinic feeling on top of the world, despite a few jabs to keep me free of worms and other nasty things.

So what’s the secret for a long, healthy life? Mummy (who won’t let me tell you her age) reckons it’s to eat less and walk more (for both of us).

So, for all you health conscious dogs who want to enjoy a long life, get off the warm couch and take your owners for a quickstep around Mawson Lakes at least once a day.
See you on the tracks.